Anju is a regular contributing editor on several of the following topic areas...
Articles on the topic of Consumer Research:
Research with Kids (to be published September 2009, Prepared Foods (PF))
Healthy, On-the-Go Bars, Snacks & Beverages (May 2007 PF)
Cereals & Health Bars (March 2007 PF)
Cereal Bars (September 2005 PF)
Kids Snacking (Jan 2005 PF) - Cover story
Fiber Beverages (October 2004 PF)
Carbonated Soft Drinks (September 2004 PF)
Low-Carb Products (June 2004 PF)
Articles covering Category Reviews / New Products:
Soups (to be published October 2009 PF)
Side Dishes (July 2009 PF)
Soups (September 2006 PF)
Convenience meals, soups, sides & processed meats (March 2006 PF)
Sports and Energy Drinks (September 2005 PF) - Cover story
Foodservice Trends (November 2006 PF) - Cover story
Frozen Meals (April 2005 PF)
Salads and Salad Dressings (March 2005 PF)
R&D-oriented articles:
Women’s Bone Health (February 2004 PF)
The Evolution of New Age Beverages (December 1999, Beverage Industry)
Excerpts of Prepared Foods magazine articles are available at
Anju has also authored several Mintel research reports (titles available on request).